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Program ad and form information





It is of the utmost importance that you type EACH form. All information must be typed.  No handwritten forms will be accepted.  Print or photocopy all duplicated forms on plain, white, 8 ½ x 11 copy paper.

  • Application –Include five copies of your application. Your information is mailed to the judges the week following the deadline.  Please make sure to turn in good quality copies.  We will submit exactly to the judges what you submit to us.

  • Birth Certificate – A copy of your birth certificate is required for ALL contestants.  This includes new and returning contestants. It is very important that your copy is legible. This may be emailed!

  • Photographic Requirements – Email a headshot to If it does not reproduce due to poor quality your name will be provided with a statement of “photo not available”.

  • School Report Card – email a report card or transcript for last year and the first half of this year.




The pages sold for the program book are the backbone of the Miss Princess Louisiana Program. You can help maintain and create more scholarship money for yourself and other contestants by selling as many pages as possible. We would like each contestant to sell at least one page.

There are other advantages to selling ad pages for the program...
If you sell:
                        10 ad pages, you earn $175.00 CASH
                        20 ad pages, you earn $500.00 CASH
                        40 ad pages, you earn $1,100.00 CASH
The contestant with the most ad pages (minimum of 20 pages) receives a $500.00 CASH BONUS
You now have the opportunity to gain greater exposure in the Official Program Book with SPECIAL ADS!  Although your picture appears in the contestant pages, what better way to express yourself than with different pictures and poses in the advertising pages.  This is your opportunity to show the many facets of your personality.


The ads in the program book may be sponsored or self-promoted.  The ads are a wonderful way to acknowledge your sponsors.




The Program Book size is 7 ½” x 10” with 0 margins.  Photographs may be included in ads with the exception of business card ads. Ads should be print ready. Photographs you use to set up your ads should be actual photographs and not scanned copies. Please put your ads in a PDF format or jpeg. If you send your ads in word document, please include $20 per ad page for set up fee.


If emailing or mailing on a disc all ads must be submitted in black & white high-resolution PDF format of 300 DPI.




Do NOT wait to get started!  Email your ads to  

Any questions, call Ann Harmon at 903-679-3891.


Send your check or money order made payable to Ann Harmon

Mail to: Princess Louisiana

 2771 FM 1990

 Karnack, TX 75661


AD PAYMENT and ADS must be received no later than March 20, 2016.



Full Page – Black & White               $150.00







Contestant Ad Sales Contract


The following is an agreement between the MISS LOUISIANA PRINCESS PAGEANT and the undersigned advertiser to place advertisement in the MISS PRINCESS LOUISIANA PAGEANT Program Book according to the following terms:


$150.00 Full Page ( We only take full page but you can have as many ads on your page as you want). They must be black/white and either in a jpeg or pdf format.

The MISS PRINCESS LOUISIANA PAGEANT guarantees that the advertising indicated will be placed in the MISS LOUISIANA PRINCESS PAGEANT program book after submission of advertising information and payment by the DEADLINE OF TBA. Copy & Paste into word document!



Signature of Contestant                                                                    Date



Signature of Advertiser or Representative                                      Date


Please make copies of this form for each advertisement. It is recommended that you give a copy of the completed form to the advertiser and keep a copy for your records. Checks are to be made out to Ann Harmon and mailed to 2771 FM 1999, Karnack, TX 75661


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